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BURN MY SOUL/Story/Chapter 1

From Sekaipedia
Vivid Street
Mita Kotaro
Kotaro's Friend
——Mita? Oooi, Mita! Are you listening to what I'm saying?
Mita Kotaro
Ah, my bad...I zoned out. What's up?
Kotaro's Friend
Jeez, I've said it a bunch of times already... I was saying, you should come perform in our event.
Mita Kotaro
Kotaro's Friend
...You haven't taken part in a single event since that thing happened, have you?
Kotaro's Friend
How do I put just seems like such a waste when you can sing so well. Isn't it about time you——
Mita Kotaro
Mita Kotaro
Sorry. I think I'll pass for a while...
Kotaro's Friend
Mita Kotaro
...I'm really sorry. Even though you went out of your way to invite me...
Kotaro's Friend
No, no, don't worry about it! Just let me know when you feel up to it. You're always welcome to hop on board.
Kotaro's Friend
Well, I've gotta go prepare for our event, so I'll catch you later!
Mita Kotaro
Yeah. Good luck.
Mita Kotaro
End flashback
Mita Kotaro
(...It's been while, since all that happened...)
Mita Kotaro
(I wonder how those guys are doing... It looks like Ken-san's gone and closed up shop for a while, too...)
Young Musicians in Town
Speaking of which——I wonder when WEEKEND GARAGE's gonna reopen.
Mita Kotaro
Young Musicians in Town
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. The curry there is so good, I wanna eat it again sometime~
Young Musicians in Town
Honestly, it'd be kind of a pain if they stayed closed. Everyone around here gathered there, y'know? I wonder where Ken-san's gone.
Young Musicians in Town
True... Ah, now that I think about it——
Young Musicians in Town
That's true for Vivid BAD SQUAD too, I haven't seen 'em around recently. I wonder what they're doing now?
Young Musicians in Town
What, man, you didn't hear? Vivid BAD SQUAD disbanded.
Mita Kotaro
Young Musicians in Town
They got their asses beat by Taiga-san, so the four of them stopped singing.
Young Musicians in Town
Eh! Seriously!
Young Musicians in Town
Well, I mean, they went up against the wrong guy. If you go head-on against Taiga-san, of course he's going to grind your heart to pieces.
Young Musicians in Town
You think? The rumors say he just up and left——
Mita Kotaro
(Vivid BAD SQUAD...disbanded...?)
Mita Kotaro
No...there's no way...
Mita Kotaro
There's no way they'd give up that easy...!
Crawl Green Owner
——You, you're Mita-san, yeah?
Mita Kotaro
Mita Kotaro
Oh...Owner-san! I-It's been a while!
Crawl Green Owner
Yeah, it has been a bit. Since your last event, right?
Mita Kotaro
Yeah! Well...I'm kinda surprised you'd remember the name of someone like me.
Crawl Green Owner
'Course I do. You put on an event of that scale at my live house.
Crawl Green Owner
...I heard you went up against Taiga. That's rough.
Mita Kotaro
Crawl Green Owner
But——even still, you're still hangin' around town. You're pretty tough, ain'tcha?
Mita Kotaro
Mita Kotaro
Kotaro's not like that.
Mita Kotaro
After all that happened, I couldn't show my face around here...event oday, I'm just here cause some of my friends told me "you're being unsociable" and dragged me out here.
Crawl Green Owner
...That so, I see how it is.
Crawl Green Owner
Regardless of your reasons, I'm glad you came by town again.
Crawl Green Owner
Arata, EVER——and Vivid BAD SQUAD, I hardly see 'am around nowadays.
Mita Kotaro
Ah...! Actually, about that...!
Mita Kotaro
I heard a rumor...that Vivid BAD SQUAD disbanded... There's no way that's true, right?
Crawl Green Owner
...Yeah. I don't think they've broken up.
Mita Kotaro
..."Don't think"?
Crawl Green Owner
...To tell you the truth, I don't know the details.
Mita Kotaro
Crawl Green Owner
A few months ago, I went and hung out at the cafe with a few oldies in town. We...wanted to talk to An.
Crawl Green Owner
I only got to talk to her for a short while, but... Well, we can put that conversation off for now.
Crawl Green Owner
From what I saw, it looked to me like they were still singing. But...
Crawl Green Owner
It looks like they've gone to another town. It might be that...they've decided to be active somewhere else.
Mita Kotaro
...Somewhere else...
Mita Kotaro
(But if that's true, what about RAD WEEKEND...)
Crawl Green Owner
...Haven't you kept in contact with them, Mita-kun?
Mita Kotaro
Ah, I...

Shinonome Akito
——Wait. There's something I wanna talk to you about.
Mita Kotaro
Mita Kotaro
Shiraishi An
Ah, Kotaro——!
End flashback

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