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Find A Way Out/Story/Chapter 6

From Sekaipedia
Shiraishi Ken
What's wrong, boy?
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
...Eh, you're from RADder...why are you...
Shiraishi Ken
——Here, drink this. Mind if I sit here?
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
Ah, go ahead...
Shiraishi Ken
You sing here pretty often, don't you? I've seen you a couple of times.
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
KEN-san saw me...?
Shiraishi Ken
Yeah. I could hear your loud voice from a street or two over.
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
Shiraishi Ken
It was a good song, and it sounded like you were singing it with your head held high, so I remember it well.
Shiraishi Ken
If someone with that much energy is sitting around with a shadow over his face, of course I'm gonna wanna talk to him.
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
(...That makes me happy, but I feel so pathetic. I don't want the person I admire to see me like this.)
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
Shiraishi Ken
I dunno what's got you so down, but if it's not something you can solve alone, you can always try talking to people.
Shiraishi Ken
If you're stuck in a rut, sometimes all you can do is put it into words and spit it out. That goes for singing, and for life.
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
(...As if I'd do that. It'd be like crying all over him, I can't do something that lame...)
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
(But...if it's him, he might be able to teach me something. This person, who can sing such amazing songs.)
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
(And, if this person, like all the others, tells me I should just quit music...then I'll...)
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
(No, but...still...!)
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
...Today, I performed at an event at Crawl Green——
— Some time later —
Shiraishi Ken
I see. So you performed at that venue, and got beaten to a pulp.
Shiraishi Ken
And, are you frustrated you got beat? From the looks of it, it doesn't seem like that's all it is——
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
...Of course. I'm frustrated that I got made fun of, and that there was nothing I could do about it, but...
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
But, more than that, I——I can't forgive myself for dragging the venue's name through the mud.
Shiraishi Ken
...Can't forgive yourself, huh...
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
——Even if I lost, even if I wasn't good enough, if I kept putting in the effort and upping my strength, all I had to was get back at them. I thought that'd be enough.
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
But...because I thought that, this happened.
Shiraishi Ken
...And, what's your plan now?
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
...I don't wanna give up, but...
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
I...I just can't believe in myself.
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
No matter how much effort I put in, I have my limits...some part of me feels that way.
Shiraishi Ken
...I get it. You can't forgive yourself for allowing your resolve to waver.
Shiraishi Ken
If you're acknowledging your limits, then maybe that's where your limits are.
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
...That's what I was thinking.
Shiraishi Ken
But——if that's the case, all you have to do is surpass those limits.
Shiraishi Ken
The mind is something that wavers so easily. Is this as far as I can go? There's nothing beyond this point.
Shiraishi Ken
That's why, in those times, you have to trust your heart over your mind. You have to move forward to the rhythm of your heartbeat, and let your body follow.
Shiraishi Ken
Your body's more direct about what it wants, and it'll keep it simple.
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
My body...
Shiraishi Ken
Yeah. Even if you're feeling down, no matter how painful things get, if your body says it wants to keep singing——
Shiraishi Ken
When that happens, don't give up singing. If you wanna surpass your limits, that's your only option.
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
Shiraishi Ken
You sang all the way to the end today, didn't you? You did your job fine, then. You did well.
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
Shiraishi Ken
But, lay off events for a while. I'm pretty sure you've been practicing without rest recently, your voice sounds hoarse.
Shiraishi Ken
Take care of your body, so you can keep singing. ——See ya.
Walking foosteps
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
...Th-thank you so much!
Shinonome Akito
Middle School Akito
...I'll...keep singing...
End flashback
Mita Kotaro
Something like that happened...
Shinonome Akito
Yeah. Thanks to what Ken-san said, I was able to keep singin'.
Shinonome Akito
And I decided after that. No matter what anybody said to me, I was never gonna quit.
Shinonome Akito
To be honest, Toya and An, Kohane...whenever I practice with them, I realize that I've still got a long way to go.
Shinonome Akito
But, until I surpass RAD WEEKEND with matter how rough it gets, I'm never gonna stop singing.
Shinonome Akito
That's what I decided.
Mita Kotaro
If you've still got a long way to go, where does that leave me? ...But...Yeah, you're right.
Mita Kotaro
Alright, let's run a little more! And we're singing after that, right?
Shinonome Akito
What's up? You're all excited outta nowhere.
Mita Kotaro
Well if you tell me a story like that, I'm gonna end up thinking, I'll do my best too! Y'know!?
Mita Kotaro
Cause I wanna surpass RAD WEEKEND with you, Akito, and the others too!
Shinonome Akito
Jeez, I get it. Then, let's get going.
Mita Kotaro
Mita Kotaro
——Wait...what's with that crowd?
Shinonome Akito
Hm? ...Oh, that's Punch Drink. It's a new live house that opened recently. Maybe they're doing an event.
Mita Kotaro
It looks pretty popular, I wonder who it is? ...Ah, they're coming out.
Senior Musician
Everyone, thanks for coming to listen today. It's been a while, but being back on Vivid Street really is so nice~
Shinonome Akito
(Those guys are...)
Senior Musician A
If you've got the guts to talk like that, prove yourself. There's an event at Crawl Green this week, you'd better show your face.
Senior Musician A
We'll kick that kid's ass and get the show back on track, so get ready to raise your voices! We're going all out from song one!
End flashback
Shinonome Akito
(...So they're back.)
Um, can I get your autograph!?
Senior Musician A
Ahhh, yeah, gimme a moment. I've gotta get to you all in order.
Senior Musician A
Hey, you guys, can you scoot over here...wait, huh? That guy standing over there, could it be...
Senior Musician A
Oh, Shinonome! It's been a while! I hear you were still doing music?
Senior Musician A
Not only that, I hear you've been hanging around a bunch of people that can sing, and putting on events!
Shinonome Akito
...Got a problem with that?
Mita Kotaro
Eh...! The guys you had beef with back in the day were Shepherd...!
Mita Kotaro
They're the ones who had a major debut and left town! I heard they've been singing at a whole bunch of places after leaving Vivid Street...I didn't know they were still doing events here.
Senior Musician B
I'm impressed you can still bear to sing around here after dragging Crawl Green's name through the mud.
Shinonome Akito
——That's...I feel bad about that.
Shinonome Akito
Back then, the reason I couldn't get the crowd excited was cause of my own lack of skill.
Shinonome Akito
But, it's different now. I'm sure I could get the audience Crawl Green excited.
Senior Musician A
Heh...d'you think you're hot shit just cause you're doing events with Touno? Is that what it is?
Senior Musician A
If you're gonna say that, go ahead and sing right here.
Shinonome Akito
Hah? Why would I do that for you——
Senior Musician A
I'm doing you a favor here! We're letting you get revenge.
Senior Musician A
Or——are you too scared?
Shinonome Akito
Senior Musician A
It's been a few years since then, but the reason you're still here is because you've been struggling in your own miserable way, isn't it?
Senior Musician A
...But, you're still no match for us. You know that, and that's why you're not singing, right?
Mita Kotaro
Tch, as if! Akito is——!
Shinonome Akito
Hey. ...Leave it.
Shinonome Akito
——Why don't we give this a shot?
Megurine Luka (Vivid BAD SQUAD)
(Uwawa, this is bad...! What do I do...!)
Megurine Luka (Vivid BAD SQUAD)
(——I know!)
Toya's Room
Aoyagi Toya
Aoyagi Toya
...It's already so late. I'll leave the rest of this for tomorrow.
Aoyagi Toya
(I wonder if Akito has finished working out by now. Perhaps he's viewing the lights with Luka-san.)
Aoyagi Toya
(...Maybe I'll try contacting him, in a little while.)
Aoyagi Toya
Megurine Luka (Vivid BAD SQUAD)
"Toya-kun! We've got major trouble!"
Aoyagi Toya
Luka-san? Did something happen?
Megurine Luka (Vivid BAD SQUAD)
"Yeah! Akito started a fight in the streets just now!"
Aoyagi Toya
A fight...?
Megurine Luka (Vivid BAD SQUAD)
"Ah, I said a fight, but I meant with songs!"
Megurine Luka (Vivid BAD SQUAD)
"But, he was outnumbered, and it seemed like a super heavy atmosphere... And I think Akito has some history with his opponents, too."
Aoyagi Toya
An opponent who has a history with him...
Aoyagi Toya
I'll understand. I'll leave immediately.
Aoyagi Toya
Toya the worst-case scenario, ask Shiraishi to contact Ken-san, just in case.
Aoyagi Toya
Luka-san, can you stay with Akito? With the situation as it is, I don't think I'll be able to contact him.
Megurine Luka (Vivid BAD SQUAD)
"Got it! If something happens, I'll go to An-chan!"
Aoyagi Toya
If you would, please excuse me.
Phone dials
Aoyagi Toya
...It's no use. It's not connecting. The cafe is usually quite busy at this time, so she must be helping out right now.
Aoyagi Toya
What other means of communication...I know. Perhaps Azusawa is still with her.
Mita Kotaro
Th-They've started...!
Senior Musicians
♪————! ——, ——!
They're so cool~! We're so lucky to be able to hear more from them even after their live ended—♪
Shinonome Akito
(I already thought they were insane back then...but they've gotten even better.)
Shinonome Akito
(While I was catching up, these guys kept running ahead.)
Shinonome Akito
Shinonome Akito
(It's weird, but I don't get the same feeling of despair I felt back then.)
Senior Musician A
♪——! ————!
Audience cheers
Senior Musician A
Whew. Thanks, everyone! ——It's your turn now, isn't it, Shinonome?
Senior Musician C
Get a load of this, everybody! This guy says he's gonna hype you up more than us!
Shinonome Akito
...Is that kid singing alone? The kid next to him isn't with him.
Don't you almost feel bad for him? But I guess he signed up for it.
Mita Kotaro
Shinonome Akito
Senior Musician A
...! This guy...
Shinonome Akito
(I've kept running too, all this time.)
Shinonome Akito
(I've kept running alongside them——aiming for RAD WEEKEND.)
Shiraishi An
Running ahead alone is fine and all, but don't go forgetting us. The four of us are gonna surpass RAD WEEKEND together, aren't we?
Shiraishi An
This isn't just your dream.
Azusawa Kohane
Yeah! Let's all sing together, Shinonome-kun!
Aoyagi Toya
Akito. You are the best partner I could ever ask for.
End flashback
Shinonome Akito
(If I run into a wall or burn out, they'll pull me back up.)
Shinonome Akito
(——They'll say we'll do this together, and they'll push me higher and higher.)

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