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Find A Way Out/Story/Chapter 7: Difference between revisions

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Line 293: Line 293:
|character = Akito
|character = Akito
|english =
|english = Eh...? What does that mean?
|japanese = Eh...? What does that mean?
|japanese =
Line 312: Line 312:
|character =
|character = Taiga
|english = Seems outta character, right? I was surprised too.
|english =
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Taiga
|english = Ken must've not known what to do when he finally found that passion. He didn't know what to do, but the flame had been lit, he didn't have a choice but to keep going.
|english =
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Taiga
|english = No matter what opponent he'd beat, he wouldn't be happy. It wasn't enough, he still had to do more, so he kept singing.
|english =
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Taiga
|english =
|english = From my point of a view, a win is a win, but.
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Akito
|english =
|english = ...!
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Taiga
|english = But——when I saw that guy taking it seriously, it lit me up too.
|english =
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Taiga
|english = That overwhelming focus on aiming higher, even if it meant wearing himself down...I found it a little comforting.
|english =
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Taiga
|english = And before I even noticed, I was working with him.
|english =
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Akito
|english =
|english = ...So that's what happened.
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Taiga
|english = Now that I look closer, your eyes look like Ken's. Especially during that live today——you looked just like Ken back then.
|english =
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Akito
|english =
|english = Huh, I did——
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Taiga
|english = Yeah. Eyes that are looking so far beyond the horizon that it hurts to look at. Ones belonging to someone so clumsy that they don't know how to live any other way.
|english =
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Taiga
|english = You know what? You might fill out into someone like him someday. The bar's pretty high, though.
|english =
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Akito
|english =
|english = ...!
|japanese =
|japanese =
{{Dialogue sfx|Stands}}
|character =
|character = Taiga
|english = Well then, seems I've held you hostage for long enough. Talking too long about the old days to a kid like you. My bad.
|english =
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Akito
|english = No...thank you very much for allowing me to listen to such a valuable story.
|english =
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Taiga
|english =
|english = Yeah.
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Taiga
|english = ...Ah, that's right. By the way, I've heard something about you kids doing an event at Crawl Green next time.
|english =
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Akito
|english = Eh? Oh, no, we're still in the middle of negotiating, so it's not like we've got permission...
|english =
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Taiga
|english = Hey, c'mon, you've gotta be a little more pushy about something like that. Ken and I would've done the same.
|english =
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Akito
|english = No, please don't say something so ridiculous. It's an important event, so we have to do it properly...
|english =
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Akito
|english =
|english = Wait, how do you know about that, Taiga-san?
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Taiga
|english = I heard from the owner there that Arata approached him.
|english =
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Taiga
|english = From what I heard from that old man, your team's got a pretty good reputation for putting on good events.
|english =
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Akito
|english = Well...we're putting in serious effort to try and surpass RAD WEEKEND, so.
|english =
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Akito
|english =
|english = ——We'll do anything to make that happen.
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Taiga
|english = ...Gotcha. I'm curious to see how much conviction you have, if you're gonna say all that.
|english =
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Taiga
|english = ——If that's how it is, maybe I'll take a look.
|english =
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Akito
|english =
|english = ...Eh? You're gonna come watch...!?
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Taiga
|english = Sure. But only if you're doing it at Crawl Green. If that happens, make sure you save a ticket for me, yeah?
|english =
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Akito
|english =
|english = Of course! Um——
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Akito
|english = ...We'll definitely make this the best event ever. We'll be waiting for you.
|english =
|japanese =
|japanese =
|character =
|character = Akito
|english =
|english = ...
|japanese =
|japanese =

Revision as of 17:18, 20 June 2024

Running footsteps
Shinonome Akito
Shinonome Akito
(...It's getting harder to breathe, and my legs are getting tired.)
Shinonome Akito
(But...I can't let myself stop...)
Shinonome Akito
Kotaki Taiga
Yo, boy.
Shinonome Akito
Eh, T-Taiga-san...!? Why are you here...?
Kotaki Taiga
Why are you asking me that? This place is like my backyard, there's nothing strange about me being here.
Kotaki Taiga
Enough about that, why're you so gloomy after your big win?
Shinonome Akito
My big win...wait, were you watching all that?
Kotaki Taiga
Yeah. I got to see something interesting while I was taking a walk.
Kotaki Taiga
It was close, those guys weren't too bad at singing. But you ate em up in the end.
Shinonome Akito
...You...think so?
Kotaki Taiga
Here, go ahead and drink this. It's important to rehydrate. You'll break your body otherwise.
Shinonome Akito
Akito're right. Thank you very much.
Shinonome Akito
(...This guy's got a really strong gaze. It almost feels like he's looking straight through me.)
Shinonome Akito
...I totally lost to those guys in the past. But today, I won.
Kotaki Taiga
Yeah. That was a clean sweep.
Shinonome Akito
You're...right. But...
Shinonome Akito
——But I let myself relax, for just a moment...and I can't forgive myself for that...
Kotaki Taiga
...Why can't you forgive yourself?
Shinonome Akito
I guess you could say that the reason I was able to beat those guys this time around was because of my hard work, but...
Shinonome Akito
——If I let myself feel satisfied with this, I can't move forward.
Kotaki Taiga
Move forward, huh...
Shinonome Akito
...Yes. The songs I heard at RAD WEEKEND were so awesome that my body still gets lit on fire thinking about it.
Shinonome Akito
I have to be able to do that too. I can't allow myself to feel satisfied for even a second from something as lame as this.
Shinonome Akito
My dream...our dream, it's somewhere much higher than this. That's why——
Kotaki Taiga
I get it now...
Kotaki Taiga
——You know what, you're a bit like Ken.
Shinonome Akito
Kotaki Taiga
He was the type to put a stupid amount of effort into everything, same as you.
Kotaki Taiga
Well, it was cause he wanted to catch up to me, right?
Shinonome Akito
Ken-san put in effort...?
Kotaki Taiga
Yeah. He always looks like he's taking it easy, but I don't know anyone more crazy about music than he is.
Kotaki Taiga
But it wasn't like that at the start. If anything, it was the opposite. Back when I met him in middle school, he was bad enough that I thought he might be the most boring guy on Earth.
Kotaki Taiga
He managed to make everything look so easy, but he always looked so strangely detached. Like he was the only mature one there, and he didn't care for anything going on around him...
Kotaki Taiga
That's what I couldn't stand about him.
Shinonome Akito
(So the rumors that Ken-san and Taiga-san didn't get along weren't based on nothing...)
Kotaki Taiga
...But it's not like that's all there was to it.
Kotaki Taiga
I can only tell this story now, but in this town, I've always had my eye on him.
Shinonome Akito
Kotaki Taiga
I saw him pretty often, cause we were born and raised in the same town. Ken's a flexible kinda guy, so he got first place in academics and sports all the time.
Kotaki Taiga
The only thing I could beat him at was music. ...But if he started pursuing that——somewhere in my heart, I thought I might lose at that, too.
Kotaki Taiga
Even though I'd been singing here since I was just a brat, with enough feeling that I thought I could take the world, y'know?
Kotaki Taiga
So back then, when I was singing on the street, Ken passed by me with the same bored look on his face as usual. It pissed me off.
Kotaki Taiga
"You bastard——don't ignore me! Look over here! Is there anything in your life you're this serious about?" That's what I was thinking.
Kotaki Taiga
Thinking of that, I sang with all my might.
Shinonome Akito
(Taiga-san's full power, that even Touno couldn't hold a candle to...)
Shinonome Akito
And then, what did Ken-san do?
Kotaki Taiga
Yeah, it seemed to be pretty effective. Even I could see the fire igniting in that guy's eyes.
Kotaki Taiga
I saw that cold gaze finally start to melt into something passionate.
Kotaki Taiga
It seems like unless you take something completely seriously, you won't be able to resonate with a person's heart.
Shinonome Akito
Take it seriously...
Kotaki Taiga
Yeah. And after that, he started singing in this town too.
Kotaki Taiga
When I saw Ken practising for the first time, it shocked me. It seemed like I'd accidentally stepped on the tail of a tiger.
Shinonome Akito
Eh...? What does that mean?
Kotaki Taiga
That guy, even while singing on the streets day and night, he was always looking so far ahead.
Kotaki Taiga
Even when he sang so much his voice died, he'd just look frustrated and keep singing. Even when it was so hoarse you could barely hear it, he'd put his hand on his throat and force it out.
Shinonome Akito
Ken-san practised like that...?
Kotaki Taiga
Seems outta character, right? I was surprised too.
Kotaki Taiga
Ken must've not known what to do when he finally found that passion. He didn't know what to do, but the flame had been lit, he didn't have a choice but to keep going.
Kotaki Taiga
No matter what opponent he'd beat, he wouldn't be happy. It wasn't enough, he still had to do more, so he kept singing.
Kotaki Taiga
From my point of a view, a win is a win, but.
Shinonome Akito
Kotaki Taiga
But——when I saw that guy taking it seriously, it lit me up too.
Kotaki Taiga
That overwhelming focus on aiming higher, even if it meant wearing himself down...I found it a little comforting.
Kotaki Taiga
And before I even noticed, I was working with him.
Shinonome Akito
...So that's what happened.
Kotaki Taiga
Now that I look closer, your eyes look like Ken's. Especially during that live today——you looked just like Ken back then.
Shinonome Akito
Huh, I did——
Kotaki Taiga
Yeah. Eyes that are looking so far beyond the horizon that it hurts to look at. Ones belonging to someone so clumsy that they don't know how to live any other way.
Kotaki Taiga
You know what? You might fill out into someone like him someday. The bar's pretty high, though.
Shinonome Akito
Kotaki Taiga
Well then, seems I've held you hostage for long enough. Talking too long about the old days to a kid like you. My bad.
Shinonome Akito
No...thank you very much for allowing me to listen to such a valuable story.
Kotaki Taiga
Kotaki Taiga
...Ah, that's right. By the way, I've heard something about you kids doing an event at Crawl Green next time.
Shinonome Akito
Eh? Oh, no, we're still in the middle of negotiating, so it's not like we've got permission...
Kotaki Taiga
Hey, c'mon, you've gotta be a little more pushy about something like that. Ken and I would've done the same.
Shinonome Akito
No, please don't say something so ridiculous. It's an important event, so we have to do it properly...
Shinonome Akito
Wait, how do you know about that, Taiga-san?
Kotaki Taiga
I heard from the owner there that Arata approached him.
Kotaki Taiga
From what I heard from that old man, your team's got a pretty good reputation for putting on good events.
Shinonome Akito
Well...we're putting in serious effort to try and surpass RAD WEEKEND, so.
Shinonome Akito
——We'll do anything to make that happen.
Kotaki Taiga
...Gotcha. I'm curious to see how much conviction you have, if you're gonna say all that.
Kotaki Taiga
——If that's how it is, maybe I'll take a look.
Shinonome Akito
...Eh? You're gonna come watch...!?
Kotaki Taiga
Sure. But only if you're doing it at Crawl Green. If that happens, make sure you save a ticket for me, yeah?
Shinonome Akito
Of course! Um——
Shinonome Akito
...We'll definitely make this the best event ever. We'll be waiting for you.
Shinonome Akito

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