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Main Story/Vivid BAD SQUAD/Chapter 3: Difference between revisions

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{{Dialogue options}}

{{Dialogue image|WEEKEND GARAGE.png}}
{{Dialogue scene|WEEKEND GARAGE}}
{{Dialogue |character = An's Father |english = Here's your order, one cup of café au lait. Take your time.|japanese = ご注文のカフェオレだ。 ゆっくりしていってくれ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = T-thank you.|japanese = あっ、ありがとうございます }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english =Hm? Are you going somewhere, dad? |japanese = ん? 父さん、エプロンはずしてるけどどこか出かけるの? }}
{{Dialogue |character = An's Father |english = I've received word that there's some good beans on sale. I'll be back before bar time starts. I'll leave the shop to you, An.|japanese = いい豆が入ったと連絡が来てな。 夜のバー営業までには戻る。あとは任せたぞ、杏 }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Kay, roger. She's the only customer for now, so you can take your time.|japanese = はーい、了解。 お客さん今はこの子だけだし、ゆっくりしてきて大丈夫だよ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = (...We're all alone together...?!)|japanese = (……ふ、ふたりだけになっちゃった……!?) }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Huh? Could it be, you're nervous?|japanese = あれ? もしかして、緊張してる? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = Eh? Ah... I'm sorry!|japanese = えっ! あっ……ごめんなさい! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Ahaha, it's okay. You don't have to stiffen up like that. That uniform's from Miya Girls', right? And I think we're around the same age.|japanese = あはは、大丈夫だって。そんなに硬くならないでよ。 その制服、宮女のだよね。私と同い年くらいでしょ? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = The same age? I-I'm a first-year in high school though...|japanese = 同い年? わ、私、高校1年生ですけど…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Then we're the same! I'm a first-year at Kami High.|japanese = じゃあ一緒だよ! 私、神高の1年だから }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = A first-year...?! I thought you were older than me...|japanese = 1年生……!? 私より年上だと思ってた…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Ahaha. I'm Shiraishi An, nice to meet you!|japanese = あはは、私、白石杏。よろしくね }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = I'm Azusawa Kohane! Nice to meet you, um, S-Shiraishi-san...|japanese = あ、小豆沢こはねです! その、よろしくお願いします。えっと……し、白石さん }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = We're the same age, so just call me An! Say, more importantly, I'm really glad to see you here again, Kohane.|japanese = 同い年なんだし、杏って呼んでよ。 ねえねえ、それより私、こはねが来てくれてすごく嬉しいんだ! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Only so few girls visit the shop. Men who look up to dad are the more frequent visitors.|japanese = うちの店に来るお客さんって、女の子少ないんだよねー。 父さんに憧れてる男の人が多くってさぁ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = Your dad is the person who was in here just now, right? I heard he's the owner of the shop as well as a famous musician...|japanese = お父さんって、さっきいた人です……だよね? ここのマスターさんで、有名なミュージシャンだっていう…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = That's right! You know a lot!|japanese = そうそう! よく知ってるね! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = I just read a bit of it on the internet... Oh, and also that he played a central role in the activity here in Vivid Street.|japanese = あっ、少しネットで見ただけだけど……。 その、このビビッドストリートを中心に活動してた人だって }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Yeah. He's been working actively ever since, but he retired two years ago and opened this shop. That's why a lot of his friends and fans alike come here often.|japanese = うん。それでずっと活動してたんだけど、 2年前に引退して、この店始めたの。 だから昔の仲間とか、ファンとか、いっぱい来るんだ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = Then those people you sang with last time too...?|japanese = じゃあこのあいだ、一緒に歌ってたのも……? }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Yeah. They're musicians who are also fans of dad. They often invite me to sing with them in events and such.|japanese = うん。あの人たちも、父さんのファンのミュージシャン。 よく一緒に歌おうってイベントとかにも誘ってくれるんだ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = Events? Shiraishi-sa... Ah, I mean... A-An-chan, you also appear in events?|japanese = イベント? 白石さ……あ、えっと、 ……あ、杏ちゃんって、イベントに出てるの? }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Yep, I do. There's a lot of music venues and clubs around here, so it's easy to participate in them.|japanese = うん。出てるよ。 このへん、ライブハウスとかクラブも多いから出やすいんだ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = That's why you seemed so natural on the stage... You were really cool back then.|japanese = だからすごく慣れてる感じだったんだね! あの時もすっごくかっこよかったし…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Back then? Oh, you mean when you came here last time?|japanese = あの時? ああ、この前来てくれた時? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = Yeah. That time, my heart was thumping so loudly! A-and I thought it'd be nice if I could hear you again...|japanese = うん。私、あの時……す、すごくドキドキしたの! それで、も、もう一回聴けたらいいなって…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = I see, so that's why you came all the way here.|japanese = そっか、それでわざわざ来てくれたんだね }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Alright, in that case, I'll go and sing then!|japanese = そういうことなら、今、歌おっか! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = Huh?|japanese = え? }}
{{Dialogue image|Weekend garage (live space).png}}
{{Dialogue scene|Indoor Live Space}}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Ah, I can't do a mic relay like last time, so I'll just sing for now, okay?|japanese = あ、今は前みたいにマイクリレーできないから とりあえず私だけで歌うね }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = Huh?! O-oh no... I still haven't prepared myself mentally...!!|japanese = えっ!? ど、どうしよう……まだ心の準備が……!! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english =♪ーーーー!!|japanese = ♪ ――――!! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = ............!!|japanese = ………………!! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = (It's completely different from what I saw in the video...! There's this thumping of my heartbeat...!)|japanese = (やっぱり動画と全然ちがう……! すっごくドキドキして……!) }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = ♪ --! --! --!!|japanese = ♪ ――! ――! ――!! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = ............!! She really is so cool...!|japanese = ………………! やっぱりカッコイイ……! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Phew! How was it... Hm?|japanese = ふぅ! どうだった……ん? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = You were... you were really cool! Thank you, An-chan!|japanese = すっごく……すっごくカッコよかったよ! ありがとう杏ちゃん! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = Especially that arranged bit...! Um, you know, the one that went...|japanese = 特にあのアレンジのところが……! えっと、あそこの…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = ♪ーーーー, or the one that went like ♪~~!|japanese = ♪――――ってところとか、♪~~ってところとか! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = !!|japanese = !! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = And then, the last part...|japanese = あとは、最後の…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = ...Say, Kohane, do you sing?|japanese = ……もしかしてこはね、歌えるの? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = Huh?|japanese = え? }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Actually, do you wanna sing with me for a bit? From what I heard just now, you seem to remember the lyrics too! Here, a mic!|japanese = ていうか、ちょっと歌ってみない!? 今聴いた感じ、歌詞も覚えてそうだし! はいマイク! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = Eh? Wait, hold on...! I-I can't sing in a place like this!|japanese = え、ちょっと、待っ……! わ、私、こんなところで歌ったりできないよ! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Please! I want to hear you sing! Don't worry, I'm sure you can do it, Kohane!|japanese = おねがい! こはねの歌、聴いてみたくって! 大丈夫、こはねなら、きっとカッコよく歌えるよ! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english =...J-Just a bit, then... But... promise me you won't laugh? |japanese = …………す、少しだけなら大丈夫だけど……。 でも……笑わないでね? }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = I won't!|japanese = もちろん! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = .........ーー♪|japanese = …………――♪ }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = !!|japanese = !! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = (I knew it, this girl...!!)|japanese = (やっぱり、この子……!!) }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = ーー♪ --♪ --♪|japanese = ――♪ ――♪ ――♪ }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = (Her rhythm still needs practice, and her body language is still stiff, but...)|japanese = (リズムはまだ甘いし、体の芯から乗り切れてない……でも) }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = (This voice...! It's gentle to the ears, but it resounds loud and clear...! And besides that...)|japanese = (この声! 柔らかいのに、響いて、伸びて……!! しかもそれだけじゃない!) }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = (Hearing it makes you want to sing along as well!!)|japanese = (ただ、一緒に歌ってみたい、って思わされる!!) }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = ♪ --! --! --!!|japanese = ♪ ――! ――! ――!! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = ......! ーー♪ --♪|japanese = ……! ――♪ ――♪ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = Wow... That felt really good...!|japanese = ……ハァ、ハァ……。 すごい……気持ちよかった……! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = ...Found you! I finally found you!|japanese = ……見つけた! やっと見つけた! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Kohane! Team up with me!|japanese = ねえ、こはね! 私と組もう! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Let's team up and do the best event ever!|japanese = 私と組んで、 一緒に最高のイベントをやろうよ! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Kohane |english = ......What?!|japanese = ……ええっ!? }}
{{Story top}}
{{Story top}}
{{Chapter tabs
{{Chapter tabs

Latest revision as of 04:23, 13 August 2023

An's Father
Here's your order, one cup of café au lait. Take your time.
ご注文のカフェオレだ。 ゆっくりしていってくれ
Azusawa Kohane
T-thank you.
Shiraishi An
Hm? Are you going somewhere, dad?
ん? 父さん、エプロンはずしてるけどどこか出かけるの?
An's Father
I've received word that there's some good beans on sale. I'll be back before bar time starts. I'll leave the shop to you, An.
いい豆が入ったと連絡が来てな。 夜のバー営業までには戻る。あとは任せたぞ、杏
Shiraishi An
Kay, roger. She's the only customer for now, so you can take your time.
はーい、了解。 お客さん今はこの子だけだし、ゆっくりしてきて大丈夫だよ
Azusawa Kohane
(...We're all alone together...?!)
Shiraishi An
Huh? Could it be, you're nervous?
あれ? もしかして、緊張してる?
Azusawa Kohane
Eh? Ah... I'm sorry!
えっ! あっ……ごめんなさい!
Shiraishi An
Ahaha, it's okay. You don't have to stiffen up like that. That uniform's from Miya Girls', right? And I think we're around the same age.
あはは、大丈夫だって。そんなに硬くならないでよ。 その制服、宮女のだよね。私と同い年くらいでしょ?
Azusawa Kohane
The same age? I-I'm a first-year in high school though...
同い年? わ、私、高校1年生ですけど……
Shiraishi An
Then we're the same! I'm a first-year at Kami High.
じゃあ一緒だよ! 私、神高の1年だから
Azusawa Kohane
A first-year...?! I thought you were older than me...
1年生……!? 私より年上だと思ってた……
Shiraishi An
Ahaha. I'm Shiraishi An, nice to meet you!
Azusawa Kohane
I'm Azusawa Kohane! Nice to meet you, um, S-Shiraishi-san...
あ、小豆沢こはねです! その、よろしくお願いします。えっと……し、白石さん
Shiraishi An
We're the same age, so just call me An! Say, more importantly, I'm really glad to see you here again, Kohane.
同い年なんだし、杏って呼んでよ。 ねえねえ、それより私、こはねが来てくれてすごく嬉しいんだ!
Shiraishi An
Only so few girls visit the shop. Men who look up to dad are the more frequent visitors.
うちの店に来るお客さんって、女の子少ないんだよねー。 父さんに憧れてる男の人が多くってさぁ
Azusawa Kohane
Your dad is the person who was in here just now, right? I heard he's the owner of the shop as well as a famous musician...
お父さんって、さっきいた人です……だよね? ここのマスターさんで、有名なミュージシャンだっていう……
Shiraishi An
That's right! You know a lot!
そうそう! よく知ってるね!
Azusawa Kohane
I just read a bit of it on the internet... Oh, and also that he played a central role in the activity here in Vivid Street.
あっ、少しネットで見ただけだけど……。 その、このビビッドストリートを中心に活動してた人だって
Shiraishi An
Yeah. He's been working actively ever since, but he retired two years ago and opened this shop. That's why a lot of his friends and fans alike come here often.
うん。それでずっと活動してたんだけど、 2年前に引退して、この店始めたの。 だから昔の仲間とか、ファンとか、いっぱい来るんだ
Azusawa Kohane
Then those people you sang with last time too...?
Shiraishi An
Yeah. They're musicians who are also fans of dad. They often invite me to sing with them in events and such.
うん。あの人たちも、父さんのファンのミュージシャン。 よく一緒に歌おうってイベントとかにも誘ってくれるんだ
Azusawa Kohane
Events? Shiraishi-sa... Ah, I mean... A-An-chan, you also appear in events?
イベント? 白石さ……あ、えっと、 ……あ、杏ちゃんって、イベントに出てるの?
Shiraishi An
Yep, I do. There's a lot of music venues and clubs around here, so it's easy to participate in them.
うん。出てるよ。 このへん、ライブハウスとかクラブも多いから出やすいんだ
Azusawa Kohane
That's why you seemed so natural on the stage... You were really cool back then.
だからすごく慣れてる感じだったんだね! あの時もすっごくかっこよかったし……
Shiraishi An
Back then? Oh, you mean when you came here last time?
あの時? ああ、この前来てくれた時?
Azusawa Kohane
Yeah. That time, my heart was thumping so loudly! A-and I thought it'd be nice if I could hear you again...
うん。私、あの時……す、すごくドキドキしたの! それで、も、もう一回聴けたらいいなって……
Shiraishi An
I see, so that's why you came all the way here.
Shiraishi An
Alright, in that case, I'll go and sing then!
Azusawa Kohane
Indoor Live Space
Shiraishi An
Ah, I can't do a mic relay like last time, so I'll just sing for now, okay?
あ、今は前みたいにマイクリレーできないから とりあえず私だけで歌うね
Azusawa Kohane
Huh?! O-oh no... I still haven't prepared myself mentally...!!
えっ!? ど、どうしよう……まだ心の準備が……!!
Shiraishi An
♪ ――――!!
Azusawa Kohane
Azusawa Kohane
(It's completely different from what I saw in the video...! There's this thumping of my heartbeat...!)
(やっぱり動画と全然ちがう……! すっごくドキドキして……!)
Shiraishi An
♪ --! --! --!!
♪ ――! ――! ――!!
Azusawa Kohane
............!! She really is so cool...!
………………! やっぱりカッコイイ……!
Shiraishi An
Phew! How was it... Hm?
ふぅ! どうだった……ん?
Azusawa Kohane
You were... you were really cool! Thank you, An-chan!
すっごく……すっごくカッコよかったよ! ありがとう杏ちゃん!
Azusawa Kohane
Especially that arranged bit...! Um, you know, the one that went...
特にあのアレンジのところが……! えっと、あそこの……
Azusawa Kohane
♪ーーーー, or the one that went like ♪~~!
Shiraishi An
Azusawa Kohane
And then, the last part...
Shiraishi An
...Say, Kohane, do you sing?
Azusawa Kohane
Shiraishi An
Actually, do you wanna sing with me for a bit? From what I heard just now, you seem to remember the lyrics too! Here, a mic!
ていうか、ちょっと歌ってみない!? 今聴いた感じ、歌詞も覚えてそうだし! はいマイク!
Azusawa Kohane
Eh? Wait, hold on...! I-I can't sing in a place like this!
え、ちょっと、待っ……! わ、私、こんなところで歌ったりできないよ!
Shiraishi An
Please! I want to hear you sing! Don't worry, I'm sure you can do it, Kohane!
おねがい! こはねの歌、聴いてみたくって! 大丈夫、こはねなら、きっとカッコよく歌えるよ!
Azusawa Kohane
...J-Just a bit, then... But... promise me you won't laugh?
…………す、少しだけなら大丈夫だけど……。 でも……笑わないでね?
Shiraishi An
I won't!
Azusawa Kohane
Shiraishi An
Shiraishi An
(I knew it, this girl...!!)
Azusawa Kohane
ーー♪ --♪ --♪
――♪ ――♪ ――♪
Shiraishi An
(Her rhythm still needs practice, and her body language is still stiff, but...)
Shiraishi An
(This voice...! It's gentle to the ears, but it resounds loud and clear...! And besides that...)
(この声! 柔らかいのに、響いて、伸びて……!! しかもそれだけじゃない!)
Shiraishi An
(Hearing it makes you want to sing along as well!!)
Shiraishi An
♪ --! --! --!!
♪ ――! ――! ――!!
Azusawa Kohane
......! ーー♪ --♪
……! ――♪ ――♪
Azusawa Kohane
Wow... That felt really good...!
……ハァ、ハァ……。 すごい……気持ちよかった……!
Shiraishi An
...Found you! I finally found you!
……見つけた! やっと見つけた!
Shiraishi An
Kohane! Team up with me!
ねえ、こはね! 私と組もう!
Shiraishi An
Let's team up and do the best event ever!
私と組んで、 一緒に最高のイベントをやろうよ!
Azusawa Kohane

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