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 h English (en)== Relationships ==
* '''[[Ichika|{{Ichika|Hoshino Ichika}}]]''': One of Saki's childhood friends, fellow bandmate and classmate in Saki's first year. Ichika was always there for Saki even when she was hospitalised for long periods of time. The two reformed their band with Honami and Shiho together, after Saki's return.
* '''[[Honami|{{Honami|Mochizuki Honami}}]]''': One of Saki's childhood friends and fellow bandmate. Their relationship became strained before Saki's return in the [[Leo/need Main Story|main story]], with Saki still wanting to be friends with Honami - whilst Honami, though glad of Saki's return, felt awkward around her.
* '''[[Shiho|{{Shiho|Hinomori Shiho}}]]''': One of Saki's childhood friends, fellow bandmate and classmate in Saki's second year. Their relationship was strained before Saki's return in the [[Leo/need Main Story|main story]], with Saki still wanting to be friends with Shiho - whilst Shiho had wished she would just leave her alone.
* '''[[Haruka|{{Haruka|Kiritani Haruka}}]]''': Classmate in Saki's first year and a friend following the [[Run! Sports Festival! ~The Executive Committee is Very Busy~|Miyamasuzaka Sports Festival]].
* '''[[Airi|{{Airi|Momoi Airi}}]]''': Airi is an idol who Saki likes and watched variety shows of whilst hospitalised. They later become friends whilst preparing gifts for [[Operation ♡ Secret Valentine!|Valentine's day]] whem Airi told Saki she could call her by her first name - now she was not just her fan, but her friend too.
* '''[[Shizuku|{{Shizuku|Hinomori Shizuku}}]]''': The older sister of Saki's bandmate Shiho and someone Saki knew during her childhood.
* '''[[Toya|{{Toya|Aoyagi Toya}}]]''': A childhood friend of both Saki and Tsukasa - their parents knowing one another due to their careers in classical music, specifically with the piano. Toya often gives plushies he wins from claw games at the arcade to Saki through Tsukasa.
* '''[[Tsukasa|{{Tsukasa|Tenma Tsukasa}}]]''': Saki's older brother who always takes care of her when she needs it. He used to put on his own shows for Saki when they were kids in order to cheer her up.
* '''[[Emu|{{Emu|Otori Emu}}]]''': Friends who participated in the [[Run! Sports Festival! ~The Executive Committee is Very Busy~|Miyamasuzaka Sports Festival]] together, and classmates during Saki's second year. Saki comments that she reminds her of Tsukasa, despite not knowing the two are in a [[Wonderlands×Showtime|troupe]] together at the time. They both, along with Airi, made [[Operation ♡ Secret Valentine!|Valentine's]] treats for their groups together.
* '''[[Mafuyu|{{Mafuyu|Asahina Mafuyu}}]]''': Saki's upperclassman who she participated in the [[Run! Sports Festival! ~The Executive Committee is Very Busy~|Miyamasuzaka Sports Festival]] with. 
* '''[[Mizuki|{{Mizuki|Akiyama Mizuki}}]]''': Friends who met whilst Mizuki filled in for a [[Hectic Cafe ●REC!!|part-time job shift]] in Minori's place. Mizuki attends the same school as Saki's older brother, Tsukasa.
 h Spanish (es)== Relaciones ==
* '''[[Hoshino Ichika]]''': Una de las amigas de la infancia de Saki y su compañera de clase en el primer año de Saki. Ichika siempre estuvo al lado de Saki incluso cuando su hospitalización se postergaba. Cuando Saki volvió, ambas reformaron su banda con Honami y Shiho.
* '''[[Mochizuki Honami]]''': Una de las amigas de la infancia de Saki y compañera de banda. Su relación se volvió tensa antes de que Saki volviera en la [[Leo/need Main Story|historia principal]], mientras Saki quería seguir siendo amigas con Honami, Honami (a pesar de estar feliz de que Saki haya vuelto) se siente incómoda estando cerca de ella.
* '''[[Hinomori Shiho]]''': Una de las amigas de la infancia de Saki, compañera de banda y compañera de clase en el segundo año de Saki. Su relación se volvió tensa antes de que Saki volviera en la [[Leo/need Main Story|historia principal]], mientras Saki quería seguir siendo amigas con Shiho, Shiho solo desea que la deje estar sola.
* '''[[Kiritani Haruka]]''': Compañera de clase en el primer año de Saki y una amiga luego del [[Run! Sports Festival! ~The Executive Committee is Very Busy~|Festival de Deportes Miyamasuzaka]].
* '''[[Momoi Airi]]''': Cuando estaba hospitalizada, a Saki le gustaba ver los shows de variedad de la idol Airi. Luego, ellas se convierten en amigas mientras preparan regalos para San Valentín, donde Airi le dice a Saki que ella puede llamarla por su primer nombre - ahora no es solo su fan, sino su amiga.
* '''[[Tenma Tsukasa]]''': El hermano mayor de saki que siempre la cuida cuando lo necesita. Solía armar shows para ella cuando eran pequeños para levantarle el ánimo.
* '''[[Otori Emu]]''':  Amiga con la que participó en el [[Run! Sports Festival! ~The Executive Committee is Very Busy~|Festival de Deportes Miyamasuzaka]] y compañera de clase en el segundo año de Saki. Saki primero cuenta que Emu recuerda a Tsukasa, sin saber que ambos están en la misma compañía teatral. Junto con Airi, hicieron dulces en San Valentín para sus respectivos grupos.
* '''[[Asahina Mafuyu]]''': Estudiante superior de Saki con la que participó en el [[Run! Sports Festival! ~The Executive Committee is Very Busy~|Festival de Deportes Miyamasuzaka]].
 h Russian (ru)== Отношения ==
* '''[[Hoshino Ichika|Хошино Ичика]]''': Подруги детства и одноклассницы. Ичика всегда рядом с Саки.
* '''[[Mochizuki Honami|Хонами Мочизуки]]''': Подруги детства, но их отношения стали натянутыми. Саки всё ещё хочет дружить с ней. Хонами рада, что Саки вернулась, но её неловко быть рядом с ней.
* '''[[Hinomori Shiho|Хиномори Шихо]]''': Подруги детства, но их отношения стали натянутыми. Саки всё ещё хочет дружить с ней, но Шихо хочет, чтобы та оставила её в покое.
* '''[[Tenma Tsukasa|Тенма Тсукаса]]''': Старший брат. Тсукаса всегда ухаживал за ней, пока она болела.
* '''[[Kiritani Haruka|Киритани Харука]]''': Одноклассница. Стала подругой во время Спортивного Фестиваля Миямасудзаки.
* '''[[Otori Emu|Отори Эму]]''': Вместе участвовали в Спортивном Фестивале. Саки сказала, что Эму напоминает ей о Тсукасе, даже если она тогда не знала об их взаимоотношении.
* '''[[Asahina Mafuyu|Асахина Мафую]]''': Вместе участвовали в Спортивном Фестивале.
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