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Let's Study Hard!/Story/Chapter 5: Difference between revisions

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{{Dialogue scene|The Next Day After School}}
{{Dialogue scene|The Next Day After School}}
{{Dialogue scene|Kamiyama High School Empty Classroom}}
{{Dialogue scene|Kamiyama High School Empty Classroom}}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = 『もののあはれは秋こそまされ……とひとごとにいふめれど……』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = "Everyone seems to feel that... ‘above all, it is autumn that moves the heart to tears’." |japanese = 『もののあはれは秋こそまされ……とひとごとにいふめれど……』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = えっと…… 物事の風情は秋が一番だって、みんなは言うけど…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Um… Everyone says that autumn is the most elegant, but… |japanese = えっと…… 物事の風情は秋が一番だって、みんなは言うけど…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = 『それもさるものにて、今ひときは心も浮き立つものは——』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = "And there is some truth in this, yet surely what stirs the heart more profoundly, is—" |japanese = 『それもさるものにて、今ひときは心も浮き立つものは——』 }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = それはそうだけど、より一層心がうきうきするのは—— }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = That's true, but what cheers up the heart more is— |japanese = それはそうだけど、より一層心がうきうきするのは—— }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = |japanese = お! 杏、昨日よりだいぶ読めるようになってきてるじゃん }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = Oh! An, you can read that way better than you could yesterday! |japanese = お! 杏、昨日よりだいぶ読めるようになってきてるじゃん }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = うん。まあ…… 単語も活用も、教科書見ながらなんとかって感じだけどね }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Yeah! Well… I mean, I can only manage the vocab and the conjugations while looking at the textbook. |japanese = うん。まあ…… 単語も活用も、教科書見ながらなんとかって感じだけどね }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = 昨日もお風呂に入りながら単語集見てたけど、 なかなか覚えられなくて大変だったよ }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = I was looking at the vocab list while taking a bath yesterday, but I still couldn't memorize it that well. |japanese = 昨日もお風呂に入りながら単語集見てたけど、 なかなか覚えられなくて大変だったよ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = |japanese = そっかそっか~ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = I see, I see~. |japanese = そっかそっか~ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = |japanese = よ~し! そんながんばる杏のために、 ボクからとっておきのプレゼントを差し上げよ~う! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = Alright~! Then allow me to present a gift to the hardworking An! |japanese = よ~し! そんながんばる杏のために、 ボクからとっておきのプレゼントを差し上げよ~う! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = え? }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Eh? |japanese = え? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = |japanese = ——はい、これ! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = —Here, for you! |japanese = ——はい、これ! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = これって……ノート? }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = This is… A notebook? |japanese = これって……ノート? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = |japanese = うん! 昨日作ったんだ。 覚えたほうがいい単語とか、活用形のまとめとか、 いろいろ書いてあるから参考にしてよ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = Yeah! I wrote them up yesterday. There's vocab you should memorize, I summarized some of the conjugations, and a bunch of other stuff too, so you should use it as a reference! |japanese = うん! 昨日作ったんだ。 覚えたほうがいい単語とか、活用形のまとめとか、 いろいろ書いてあるから参考にしてよ }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = え……わざわざ作ってきてくれたの!? }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Eh…? You went out of your way to make this for me!? |japanese = え……わざわざ作ってきてくれたの!? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Toya |english = |japanese = これは……すごいな。 丁寧によくまとめられている }}
{{Dialogue |character = Toya |english = This is… Incredible. You've compiled everything very neatly. |japanese = これは……すごいな。 丁寧によくまとめられている }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = |japanese = でしょでしょ! もっと褒めていいからね! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = Right, right!? You're allowed to praise me more, if you want! |japanese = でしょでしょ! もっと褒めていいからね! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Akito |english = |japanese = たしかにすげえが……どういう風の吹き回しだ? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Akito |english = It is pretty impressive, but… Why're you so serious all of a sudden? |japanese = たしかにすげえが……どういう風の吹き回しだ? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = |japanese = む。失礼だなあ。 ボクだって、杏には留年してほしくないって思ってるんだよ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = Huh. That's rude. I don't want An to have to repeat a year either, you know. |japanese = む。失礼だなあ。 ボクだって、杏には留年してほしくないって思ってるんだよ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = |japanese = 杏、これで進級できるように、がんばってね! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = An, do your best with this so you can graduate, okay? |japanese = 杏、これで進級できるように、がんばってね! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = ありがと、瑞希! 大切に使わせてもらうね! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Thank you, Mizuki! I'll make sure to treasure it! |japanese = ありがと、瑞希! 大切に使わせてもらうね! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Akito |english = |japanese = よし……! 解けたぞ——! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Akito |english = Alright…! I got it—! |japanese = よし……! 解けたぞ——! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Toya |english = |japanese = いい調子だな、彰人 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Toya |english = You're setting a good pace, Akito. |japanese = いい調子だな、彰人 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = |japanese = ——みんな、少し休憩にしないかい? 適度な休憩は、集中力を高めるうえでも大事だからね }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = —Why don't we take a break for now, everyone? Making sure to take adequate breaks is vital for heightening your focus. |japanese = ——みんな、少し休憩にしないかい? 適度な休憩は、集中力を高めるうえでも大事だからね }}
{{Dialogue |character = Tsukasa |english = |japanese = そうだな! ちょうどのども渇いたし、飲み物でも買いに行こう }}
{{Dialogue |character = Tsukasa |english = You're quite right! Our throats must be getting dry by now, so perhaps we ought to go and purchase some drinks. |japanese = そうだな! ちょうどのども渇いたし、飲み物でも買いに行こう }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = |japanese = じゃあ、じゃんけんしようよ! 負けた人が、みんなの分も買い出しに行くってことで }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = Then, let's play rock paper scissors! Whoever loses has to go out and buy drinks for everyone! |japanese = じゃあ、じゃんけんしようよ! 負けた人が、みんなの分も買い出しに行くってことで }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = お、いいね! やろうやろう! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Oh, sounds good! Let's do it, let's do it! |japanese = お、いいね! やろうやろう! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Toya |english = |japanese = 俺も構わないが……しかし、 さすがにひとりでは大変だろう。 最後に残ったふたりが買い出しに行くというのはどうだ? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Toya |english = I don't mind either, but… One person couldn't possibly carry drinks for all of us alone. What if we asked the last two people remaining to buy them together? |japanese = 俺も構わないが……しかし、 さすがにひとりでは大変だろう。 最後に残ったふたりが買い出しに行くというのはどうだ? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = |japanese = オッケー! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = Okay! |japanese = オッケー! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Akito |english = |japanese = ——それじゃいくぞ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Akito |english = —Alright, let's go then. |japanese = ——それじゃいくぞ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = |japanese = じゃんけん…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = Rock, paper… |japanese = じゃんけん…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = ぽん! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Scissors! |japanese = ぽん! }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_a000502.png}}
{{Dialogue image|bg_a000502.png}}
{{Dialogue scene|Ten Minutes Later}}
{{Dialogue scene|Ten Minutes Later}}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = はあ~あ。負けちゃったか~ }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Aw man. I can't believe I lost~. |japanese = はあ~あ。負けちゃったか~ }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = しかもみんな、飲み物だけじゃなくて、 お菓子とかパンまでほしいって言うんだもん。 おかげで袋もパンパンだし }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = And they all had the nerve to ask for snacks and bread as well as drinks. My bag's full 'cause of them. |japanese = しかもみんな、飲み物だけじゃなくて、 お菓子とかパンまでほしいって言うんだもん。 おかげで袋もパンパンだし }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = |japanese = フフ、それくらいみんな疲れていたんだろうね。 そっちも持とうか? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = Fufu. It just goes to show how exhausted everybody must be. Would you like me to carry those for you? |japanese = フフ、それくらいみんな疲れていたんだろうね。 そっちも持とうか? }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = あっ、大丈夫です! 神代先輩にはもっと重いほう持ってもらってますから }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Ah, I'm fine! I'm already having you carry the heavy stuff for me, so... |japanese = あっ、大丈夫です! 神代先輩にはもっと重いほう持ってもらってますから }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = ていうか、先輩こそ大丈夫ですか? }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = If anything, are you alright, senpai? |japanese = ていうか、先輩こそ大丈夫ですか? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = |japanese = 問題ないよ。白石くんはこのあとも勉強で体力を使うからね。 無理はさせられないさ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = There's no issues here. You have to continue studying at full power after this, so I won't force you to push yourself. |japanese = 問題ないよ。白石くんはこのあとも勉強で体力を使うからね。 無理はさせられないさ }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = あはは、大袈裟ですね }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Ahaha. You're making such a big deal out of it. |japanese = あはは、大袈裟ですね }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = でも……本当、ありがとうございます }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = But… Really, thank you for all of this. |japanese = でも……本当、ありがとうございます }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = 荷物のことだけじゃなくて……勉強のことも。 すごくわかりやすく教えてくれて、とっても助かってます! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Not just for carrying stuff… But for the tutoring too. It was super easy to understand everything you were saying, and I’ve learnt a ton! |japanese = 荷物のことだけじゃなくて……勉強のことも。 すごくわかりやすく教えてくれて、とっても助かってます! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = |japanese = そんなお礼を言われるようなことじゃないさ。 僕自身、賑やかで楽しいよ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = It's nothing to thank me for. It's lively, and quite fun for me as well. |japanese = そんなお礼を言われるようなことじゃないさ。 僕自身、賑やかで楽しいよ }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = 本当ですか? よかった! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Really? I'm so glad! |japanese = 本当ですか? よかった! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = |japanese = それに……瑞希も楽しんでるみたいだしね。 まさか白石くんのためにノートを作ってくるとは思わなかったな }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = And for that matter… It seems Mizuki is enjoying themselves as well. I wouldn't have guessed that they'd write all those notes for you, Shiraishi-kun. |japanese = それに……瑞希も楽しんでるみたいだしね。 まさか白石くんのためにノートを作ってくるとは思わなかったな }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = あ、私もびっくりしました! そこまでやってくれるなんて思わなかったから! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Ah, that surprised me too! I didn't think they'd go that far for me! |japanese = あ、私もびっくりしました! そこまでやってくれるなんて思わなかったから! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = 昨日も勉強つきあってくれてありがとうって お礼言ったら、楽しんでるしいいよって言ってくれて }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Even yesterday, when I thanked them for going along with all of this, they said it was fine 'cause they were having fun too! |japanese = 昨日も勉強つきあってくれてありがとうって お礼言ったら、楽しんでるしいいよって言ってくれて }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = |japanese = ……そうか }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = …Is that so? |japanese = ……そうか }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = |japanese = よかったね }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = I'm glad to hear. |japanese = よかったね }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = あ、そういえば……神代先輩と瑞希って同じ中学なんでしたっけ }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Ah, now that I think about it… You and Mizuki went to the same middle school, didn't you, Kamishiro-senpai? |japanese = あ、そういえば……神代先輩と瑞希って同じ中学なんでしたっけ }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = ふたりって、その時から仲よかったんですか? }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Have you two gotten along ever since then? |japanese = ふたりって、その時から仲よかったんですか? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = |japanese = そうだね……。たまに会って、話す仲ではあったかな }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = Maybe so… We were close enough that we'd meet up and chat every now and then. |japanese = そうだね……。たまに会って、話す仲ではあったかな }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = |japanese = けれど瑞希は…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = But Mizuki… |japanese = けれど瑞希は…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = |japanese = 今のほうが楽しそうに見えるよ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = They look like they're having more fun now. |japanese = 今のほうが楽しそうに見えるよ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = |japanese = 勉強会も、本気で楽しんでいるようだしね }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = It seems like they're genuinely enjoying these study sessions, too. |japanese = 勉強会も、本気で楽しんでいるようだしね }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = そうなんですね。 私から見ると、いつもの瑞希って感じなんですけど }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Are they really? From my perspective, it just looks like they're having as much fun as usual. |japanese = そうなんですね。 私から見ると、いつもの瑞希って感じなんですけど }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = |japanese = フフ。きっと、 いい刺激を与えてくれる人達に出会えたんだと思う }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = Fufu. I'm sure they were able to encounter people who managed to inspire them. |japanese = フフ。きっと、 いい刺激を与えてくれる人達に出会えたんだと思う }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = |japanese = 僕は、白石くんもそのひとりだと思っているよ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = I believe you're one of those people, Shiraishi-kun. |japanese = 僕は、白石くんもそのひとりだと思っているよ }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = え? }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Eh? |japanese = え? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = |japanese = 白石くんのような友達がいることが、 瑞希にとって助けになってるのかもしれないと思ったんだ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = I was just thinking that having a friend like you must have helped them out a great deal. |japanese = 白石くんのような友達がいることが、 瑞希にとって助けになってるのかもしれないと思ったんだ }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = 私が…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = I have…? |japanese = 私が…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = うーん、でもやっぱり、私はなんにもしてないですよ }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Hmmm. I really haven't done anything, though. |japanese = うーん、でもやっぱり、私はなんにもしてないですよ }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = だって、私は瑞希と一緒にいるのが楽しくて 友達になっただけですから! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = 'Cause I just became friends with Mizuki because I have fun spending time with them! |japanese = だって、私は瑞希と一緒にいるのが楽しくて 友達になっただけですから! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = だから助けとか、あんまり意識したことないですし。 あ、でも…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = That's why, I’ve never really been thinking about it as helping them or anything. Oh, but… |japanese = だから助けとか、あんまり意識したことないですし。 あ、でも…… }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = もしも瑞希が、私と友達になれてよかったって 思ってくれてるなら……私もすっごく嬉しいって思います! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = If Mizuki thought that they were glad to become friends with me… I think that'd make me super happy! |japanese = もしも瑞希が、私と友達になれてよかったって 思ってくれてるなら……私もすっごく嬉しいって思います! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = |japanese = ……そうか }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = …I see. |japanese = ……そうか }}
{{Dialogue image|bg_a000302.png}}
{{Dialogue image|bg_a000302.png}}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = たっだいまー! 飲み物とお菓子とかの食べ物、買って来たよ~! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = We're back! We bought all the drinks and food~! |japanese = たっだいまー! 飲み物とお菓子とかの食べ物、買って来たよ~! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = |japanese = もう遅いよふたりとも~! ボク、お腹ペコペコになっちゃった }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = You guys took forever~! I'm literally starving to death over here. |japanese = もう遅いよふたりとも~! ボク、お腹ペコペコになっちゃった }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = ごめんごめん! でも、頼まれてたフライドポテトもちゃんと買ってきたよ! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Sorry, sorry! But, I made sure to buy the fries you asked me to get for you! |japanese = ごめんごめん! でも、頼まれてたフライドポテトもちゃんと買ってきたよ! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = |japanese = おお~! 待ってました! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Mizuki |english = Ooh~! I was waiting! |japanese = おお~! 待ってました! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Akito |english = |japanese = オレのチーズケーキは? }}
{{Dialogue |character = Akito |english = Where's my cheesecake? |japanese = オレのチーズケーキは? }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = はいはい。これでよかったっけ }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Fine, fine. Is this good with you? |japanese = はいはい。これでよかったっけ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Akito |english = |japanese = ん、サンキュ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Akito |english = Mm. Thanks. |japanese = ん、サンキュ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = |japanese = 司くん達も待たせたね。 食べ物は白石くん、飲み物は僕の袋に入っているよ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = It seems we kept you and Aoyagi-kun waiting as well, Tsukasa-kun. Shiraishi-kun has all the food, and the drinks are in my bag. |japanese = 司くん達も待たせたね。 食べ物は白石くん、飲み物は僕の袋に入っているよ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Tsukasa |english = |japanese = うむ! 礼を言うぞ類、白石! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Tsukasa |english = Indeed! You have my thanks, Rui, Shiraishi! |japanese = うむ! 礼を言うぞ類、白石! }}
{{Dialogue |character = Tsukasa |english = |japanese = っと、このコーヒーは冬弥の分だったな。 熱いから気をつけるんだぞ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Tsukasa |english = Oh, this coffee seems to be yours, Toya. It's hot, so do be careful. |japanese = っと、このコーヒーは冬弥の分だったな。 熱いから気をつけるんだぞ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Toya |english = |japanese = ありがとうございます。司先輩 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Toya |english = Thank you very much, Tsukasa-senpai. |japanese = ありがとうございます。司先輩 }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = |japanese = ——はい。白石くんの分のオレンジジュースだよ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = Here. This is your orange juice, Shiraishi-kun. |japanese = ——はい。白石くんの分のオレンジジュースだよ }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = |japanese = しっかり食べて、このあとの勉強も頑張ろう }}
{{Dialogue |character = Rui |english = Make sure to eat up, so you can continue putting your all into your studies. |japanese = しっかり食べて、このあとの勉強も頑張ろう }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = |japanese = はい! }}
{{Dialogue |character = An |english = Yes sir!|japanese = はい! }}
{{Story top}}
{{Story top}}
{{Chapter tabs
{{Chapter tabs

Latest revision as of 19:13, 15 October 2023

The Next Day After School
Kamiyama High School Empty Classroom
Shiraishi An
"Everyone seems to feel that... ‘above all, it is autumn that moves the heart to tears’."
Shiraishi An
Um… Everyone says that autumn is the most elegant, but…
えっと…… 物事の風情は秋が一番だって、みんなは言うけど……
Shiraishi An
"And there is some truth in this, yet surely what stirs the heart more profoundly, is—"
Shiraishi An
That's true, but what cheers up the heart more is—
Akiyama Mizuki
Oh! An, you can read that way better than you could yesterday!
お! 杏、昨日よりだいぶ読めるようになってきてるじゃん
Shiraishi An
Yeah! Well… I mean, I can only manage the vocab and the conjugations while looking at the textbook.
うん。まあ…… 単語も活用も、教科書見ながらなんとかって感じだけどね
Shiraishi An
I was looking at the vocab list while taking a bath yesterday, but I still couldn't memorize it that well.
昨日もお風呂に入りながら単語集見てたけど、 なかなか覚えられなくて大変だったよ
Akiyama Mizuki
I see, I see~.
Akiyama Mizuki
Alright~! Then allow me to present a gift to the hardworking An!
よ~し! そんながんばる杏のために、 ボクからとっておきのプレゼントを差し上げよ~う!
Shiraishi An
Akiyama Mizuki
—Here, for you!
Shiraishi An
This is… A notebook?
Akiyama Mizuki
Yeah! I wrote them up yesterday. There's vocab you should memorize, I summarized some of the conjugations, and a bunch of other stuff too, so you should use it as a reference!
うん! 昨日作ったんだ。 覚えたほうがいい単語とか、活用形のまとめとか、 いろいろ書いてあるから参考にしてよ
Shiraishi An
Eh…? You went out of your way to make this for me!?
Aoyagi Toya
This is… Incredible. You've compiled everything very neatly.
これは……すごいな。 丁寧によくまとめられている
Akiyama Mizuki
Right, right!? You're allowed to praise me more, if you want!
でしょでしょ! もっと褒めていいからね!
Shinonome Akito
It is pretty impressive, but… Why're you so serious all of a sudden?
Akiyama Mizuki
Huh. That's rude. I don't want An to have to repeat a year either, you know.
む。失礼だなあ。 ボクだって、杏には留年してほしくないって思ってるんだよ
Akiyama Mizuki
An, do your best with this so you can graduate, okay?
Shiraishi An
Thank you, Mizuki! I'll make sure to treasure it!
ありがと、瑞希! 大切に使わせてもらうね!
Shinonome Akito
Alright…! I got it—!
よし……! 解けたぞ——!
Aoyagi Toya
You're setting a good pace, Akito.
Kamishiro Rui
—Why don't we take a break for now, everyone? Making sure to take adequate breaks is vital for heightening your focus.
——みんな、少し休憩にしないかい? 適度な休憩は、集中力を高めるうえでも大事だからね
Tenma Tsukasa
You're quite right! Our throats must be getting dry by now, so perhaps we ought to go and purchase some drinks.
そうだな! ちょうどのども渇いたし、飲み物でも買いに行こう
Akiyama Mizuki
Then, let's play rock paper scissors! Whoever loses has to go out and buy drinks for everyone!
じゃあ、じゃんけんしようよ! 負けた人が、みんなの分も買い出しに行くってことで
Shiraishi An
Oh, sounds good! Let's do it, let's do it!
お、いいね! やろうやろう!
Aoyagi Toya
I don't mind either, but… One person couldn't possibly carry drinks for all of us alone. What if we asked the last two people remaining to buy them together?
俺も構わないが……しかし、 さすがにひとりでは大変だろう。 最後に残ったふたりが買い出しに行くというのはどうだ?
Akiyama Mizuki
Shinonome Akito
—Alright, let's go then.
Akiyama Mizuki
Rock, paper…
Shiraishi An
Ten Minutes Later
Shiraishi An
Aw man. I can't believe I lost~.
Shiraishi An
And they all had the nerve to ask for snacks and bread as well as drinks. My bag's full 'cause of them.
しかもみんな、飲み物だけじゃなくて、 お菓子とかパンまでほしいって言うんだもん。 おかげで袋もパンパンだし
Kamishiro Rui
Fufu. It just goes to show how exhausted everybody must be. Would you like me to carry those for you?
フフ、それくらいみんな疲れていたんだろうね。 そっちも持とうか?
Shiraishi An
Ah, I'm fine! I'm already having you carry the heavy stuff for me, so...
あっ、大丈夫です! 神代先輩にはもっと重いほう持ってもらってますから
Shiraishi An
If anything, are you alright, senpai?
Kamishiro Rui
There's no issues here. You have to continue studying at full power after this, so I won't force you to push yourself.
問題ないよ。白石くんはこのあとも勉強で体力を使うからね。 無理はさせられないさ
Shiraishi An
Ahaha. You're making such a big deal out of it.
Shiraishi An
But… Really, thank you for all of this.
Shiraishi An
Not just for carrying stuff… But for the tutoring too. It was super easy to understand everything you were saying, and I’ve learnt a ton!
荷物のことだけじゃなくて……勉強のことも。 すごくわかりやすく教えてくれて、とっても助かってます!
Kamishiro Rui
It's nothing to thank me for. It's lively, and quite fun for me as well.
そんなお礼を言われるようなことじゃないさ。 僕自身、賑やかで楽しいよ
Shiraishi An
Really? I'm so glad!
本当ですか? よかった!
Kamishiro Rui
And for that matter… It seems Mizuki is enjoying themselves as well. I wouldn't have guessed that they'd write all those notes for you, Shiraishi-kun.
それに……瑞希も楽しんでるみたいだしね。 まさか白石くんのためにノートを作ってくるとは思わなかったな
Shiraishi An
Ah, that surprised me too! I didn't think they'd go that far for me!
あ、私もびっくりしました! そこまでやってくれるなんて思わなかったから!
Shiraishi An
Even yesterday, when I thanked them for going along with all of this, they said it was fine 'cause they were having fun too!
昨日も勉強つきあってくれてありがとうって お礼言ったら、楽しんでるしいいよって言ってくれて
Kamishiro Rui
…Is that so?
Kamishiro Rui
I'm glad to hear.
Shiraishi An
Ah, now that I think about it… You and Mizuki went to the same middle school, didn't you, Kamishiro-senpai?
Shiraishi An
Have you two gotten along ever since then?
Kamishiro Rui
Maybe so… We were close enough that we'd meet up and chat every now and then.
Kamishiro Rui
But Mizuki…
Kamishiro Rui
They look like they're having more fun now.
Kamishiro Rui
It seems like they're genuinely enjoying these study sessions, too.
Shiraishi An
Are they really? From my perspective, it just looks like they're having as much fun as usual.
そうなんですね。 私から見ると、いつもの瑞希って感じなんですけど
Kamishiro Rui
Fufu. I'm sure they were able to encounter people who managed to inspire them.
フフ。きっと、 いい刺激を与えてくれる人達に出会えたんだと思う
Kamishiro Rui
I believe you're one of those people, Shiraishi-kun.
Shiraishi An
Kamishiro Rui
I was just thinking that having a friend like you must have helped them out a great deal.
白石くんのような友達がいることが、 瑞希にとって助けになってるのかもしれないと思ったんだ
Shiraishi An
I have…?
Shiraishi An
Hmmm. I really haven't done anything, though.
Shiraishi An
'Cause I just became friends with Mizuki because I have fun spending time with them!
だって、私は瑞希と一緒にいるのが楽しくて 友達になっただけですから!
Shiraishi An
That's why, I’ve never really been thinking about it as helping them or anything. Oh, but…
だから助けとか、あんまり意識したことないですし。 あ、でも……
Shiraishi An
If Mizuki thought that they were glad to become friends with me… I think that'd make me super happy!
もしも瑞希が、私と友達になれてよかったって 思ってくれてるなら……私もすっごく嬉しいって思います!
Kamishiro Rui
…I see.
Shiraishi An
We're back! We bought all the drinks and food~!
たっだいまー! 飲み物とお菓子とかの食べ物、買って来たよ~!
Akiyama Mizuki
You guys took forever~! I'm literally starving to death over here.
もう遅いよふたりとも~! ボク、お腹ペコペコになっちゃった
Shiraishi An
Sorry, sorry! But, I made sure to buy the fries you asked me to get for you!
ごめんごめん! でも、頼まれてたフライドポテトもちゃんと買ってきたよ!
Akiyama Mizuki
Ooh~! I was waiting!
おお~! 待ってました!
Shinonome Akito
Where's my cheesecake?
Shiraishi An
Fine, fine. Is this good with you?
Shinonome Akito
Mm. Thanks.
Kamishiro Rui
It seems we kept you and Aoyagi-kun waiting as well, Tsukasa-kun. Shiraishi-kun has all the food, and the drinks are in my bag.
司くん達も待たせたね。 食べ物は白石くん、飲み物は僕の袋に入っているよ
Tenma Tsukasa
Indeed! You have my thanks, Rui, Shiraishi!
うむ! 礼を言うぞ類、白石!
Tenma Tsukasa
Oh, this coffee seems to be yours, Toya. It's hot, so do be careful.
っと、このコーヒーは冬弥の分だったな。 熱いから気をつけるんだぞ
Aoyagi Toya
Thank you very much, Tsukasa-senpai.
Kamishiro Rui
Here. This is your orange juice, Shiraishi-kun.
Kamishiro Rui
Make sure to eat up, so you can continue putting your all into your studies.
Shiraishi An
Yes sir!

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