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Street Sekai/Area Conversations

From Sekaipedia

This page contains a list of all area conversations that take place within the Street Sekai. Some of these area conversations aren't available unless certain event stories have been read.

Possible characters that can appear here and have conversations are Kohane, An, Akito, Toya, Miku, Rin, Len, Luka, MEIKO and KAITO.


Image Preview Line Characters
"Hey, MEIKO. Do you have a minute..."
"MEIKO really is amazing, isn't she..."
"Akito, Toya, when do you think you can come visit next?"
"Singing with you gives..."
"I understand you're..."
"If you and Akito..."
"Oh, it looks like there are some new drinks..."
"How is it that Miku and..."
"Even a little extra..."
File:Aconvo 354.png "Have you two always liked music..."
File:Aconvo 355.png "Hey, are you making..."
File:Aconvo 356.png "Welcome back..."
File:Aconvo 357.png "Are you here by..."
File:Aconvo 358.png "Hm? What's wrong, Kohane? You seem a little down..."
File:Aconvo 359.png "Do you serve anything sweet here..."
File:Aconvo 370.png "Heya, Kohane..."
File:Aconvo 371.png "You want me to teach you to make coffee..."
File:Aconvo 372.png "An, what do you usually do to help your dad..."



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"You always wear a cap..."
"Azusawa, I'm sorry this is so sudden..."
"Kohane, you said you joined the Beautification Committee..."


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"Huff, huff... I wonder..."
"I lost again~! But, still...!"
"Even so... I never imagined a new place like this..."
"Someday, we'll also..."
"This bud is so small and cute..."
"Whew. My body feels lighter now..."


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