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Street Sekai/Area Conversations

From Sekaipedia
Revision as of 05:03, 30 June 2024 by SleepyCricket (talk | contribs)
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This page contains a list of all area conversations that take place within the Street Sekai. Some of these area conversations aren't available unless certain event stories have been read.

Possible characters that can appear here and have conversations are Kohane, An, Akito, Toya, Miku, Rin, Len, Luka, MEIKO and KAITO.

Past[edit | edit source]

Image Preview Line Characters
"Hey, MEIKO. Do you have a minute..."
"MEIKO really is amazing, isn't she..."
"Akito, Toya, when do you think you can come visit next?"
"Singing with you gives..."
"I understand you're..."
"If you and Akito..."
"Oh, it looks like there are some new drinks..."
"How is it that Miku and..."
"Even a little extra..."
File:Aconvo 354.png "Have you two always liked music..."
File:Aconvo 355.png "Hey, are you making..."
File:Aconvo 356.png "Welcome back..."
File:Aconvo 357.png "Are you here by..."
File:Aconvo 358.png "Hm? What's wrong, Kohane? You seem a little down..."
File:Aconvo 359.png "Do you serve anything sweet here..."
File:Aconvo 370.png "Heya, Kohane..."
File:Aconvo 371.png "You want me to teach you to make coffee..."
File:Aconvo 372.png "An, what do you usually do to help your dad..."
File:Aconvo 373.png "Is there anything you..."
File:Aconvo 374.png "Akito, have you been singing with Kohane..."
File:Aconvo 375.png "AAAH-kito..."
File:Aconvo 376.png "Oh, hello there..."
File:Aconvo 377.png "Hey, you can play the..."
File:Aconvo 378.png "The usual black coffee..."
File:Aconvo 379.png "We should sing together..."
File:Aconvo 380.png "Yum, cafe au lait is so good..."
File:Aconvo 381.png "Oh, Len! Wonderful timing..."
File:Aconvo 385.png "Shinonome, is it true that you know how to..."
File:Aconvo 386.png "MEIKO's coffee is always so delicious..."
File:Aconvo 387.png "MEIKO is amazing..."
File:Aconvo 388.png "Hey, Kohane tells me..."
File:Aconvo 389.png "Shiraishi, Ken never actually told you to..."
File:Aconvo 390.png "Oh, it sounds like Miku is off singing somewhere..."
File:Aconvo 391.png "Oh, hey. Len was looking for you..."
File:Aconvo 392.png "It's fun singing up in front of a crowd, but..."
File:Aconvo 393.png "H-Hey, Aoyagi..."
File:Aconvo 394.png "Len sure is running..."
File:Aconvo 548.png "I think I hear an..."
File:Aconvo 549.png "MEIKO, is Miku the only one you have to..."
File:Aconvo 550.png "Here you are. A black coffee for Toya and a..."
File:Aconvo 551.png "For somewhere with so much graffiti everywhere..."
File:Aconvo 552.png "Hey, Rin and Len were asking if we'd be..."
File:Aconvo 553.png "It looks like MEIKO..."
File:Aconvo 554.png "Hey, have you guys ever..."
File:Aconvo 555.png "I know a few DJs..."
File:Aconvo 556.png "Your cafe is so nice, MEIKO..."
File:Aconvo 557.png "MEIKO, we've got tests coming up soon..."
File:Aconvo 558.png "The RAD WEEKEND flyer..."
File:Aconvo 559.png "The graffiti on this..."
File:Aconvo 560.png "So you were actually there that night..."
File:Aconvo 561.png "Azusawa, you used to..."
File:Aconvo 562.png "This place is so handy..."
File:Aconvo 563.png "Humhumhuuum♪..."
File:Aconvo 564.png "Akito, I heard you have an older sister..."
File:Aconvo 565.png "I don't see you two together very often..."
File:Aconvo 566.png "Oh, you're back..."
File:Aconvo 567.png "I heard An's dad..."
File:Aconvo 568.png "How many times have we..."
File:Aconvo 569.png "All the equipment in..."
File:Aconvo 570.png "There's so much vandalism on the walls here..."
File:Aconvo 571.png "Have you gotten used to..."
File:Aconvo 572.png "Let's see. If this goes here, and this goes..."
File:Aconvo 573.png "I feel like the music..."
File:Aconvo 574.png "You two aren't really the type to go out and..."
File:Aconvo 750.png "Kohane, you've changed a lot since I first..."
File:Aconvo 751.png "I know we talked about..."
File:Aconvo 752.png "Hey, you are actually Miku, right..."
File:Aconvo 753.png "Miku, so you mind if I..."
File:Aconvo 754.png "Oh, Len. Would you like to sing with me for..."
File:Aconvo 755.png "An, guess what..."
File:Aconvo 756.png "Hey, Akito. Have you ever heard Toya play piano..."
File:Aconvo 757.png "I wish I was as tall as you..."
File:Aconvo 758.png "Oh, it's a dripper in your signature red color..."
File:Aconvo 759.png "Hello, An. I thought you would be busy helping..."
File:Aconvo 760.png "Toya always lets me..."
File:Aconvo 761.png "Toya? You look a little tired..."
File:Aconvo 762.png "——♪ ——♪..."
File:Aconvo 763.png "Len, you mentioned the..."
File:Aconvo 764.png "Sigh..."
File:Aconvo 820.png "What is taking Len so..."
File:Aconvo 821.png "Wow! Len was right..."
File:Aconvo 822.png "This spot isn't being..."
File:Aconvo 827.png "Miku, how do you like..."
File:Aconvo 828.png "Miku, guess what?! I helped out MEIKO..."
File:Aconvo 829.png "How long have you been..."
File:Aconvo 830.png "Hey, can you stop aking me to meet you under..."
File:Aconvo 831.png "MEIKO, the music you had playing today..."
File:Aconvo 832.png "Your cafe is so nice..."

Present[edit | edit source]

Main[edit | edit source]

Image Preview Line Characters
"You always wear a cap..."
"Azusawa, I'm sorry this is so sudden..."
"Kohane, you said you joined the Beautification Committee..."

Plaza[edit | edit source]

Image Preview Line Characters
"Huff, huff... I wonder..."
"I lost again~! But, still...!"
"Even so... I never imagined a new place like this..."
"Someday, we'll also..."
"This bud is so small and cute..."
"Whew. My body feels lighter now..."

Navigation[edit | edit source]

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